

To proceed with this exercise we first need to have some new or updated records in our database. We have prepared the update.sql file with a batch of fresh data which we now import into our current DB. To do that follow the next steps:

  1. open the terminal and navigate to the dbt-demo/db folder

  2. copy the update.sql file into the container using the following command:

    docker cp update.sql dbt-demo_database_1:/update.sql

  3. connect to the Postgres container:

    docker exec -it dbt-workshop-db psql -U postgres datawarehouse

  4. run the .sql file inside Postgres container:

    \i update.sql

Now we should have some fresh and updated records in our DB.


  1. create dim_customers_snapshot: create dim_customers_snapshot.sql model in snapshots folder according to the provided example. Check all columns for the change.

  2. create fact_orders_snapshot: create fact_orders_snapshot.sql model. Check only status column for the change.

  3. run dbt run to load new and updated records into our models

  4. run dbt snapshot to create snapshots
